Mark Your Calendar! Expect surprises at this year’s event – Don’t Miss It!
A Costume Kiosk is coming in October!
Now is the time to think of what you can contribute to be auctioned off – check the categories below! The Auction is UU Danbury’s most successful fundraiser and it also helps to fund organizations in greater Danbury that help others.
UU Danbury’s Auctions are amazing fundraisers.
We also help to fund area organizations that help others.
The Auction categories include:
- Baked goods
- Gift baskets
- Gift Cards
- Dinners/Special Events
- Classes/Tutoring
- Gourmet Adventures
- Services
- Original art by members and friends
- And more — be creative!
To find out more email: auction@uudanbury.org
Event Planners: Val Cochrane, Donna Lawrence, Auction Webmasters: Lisa Horton, Barb Myers, and the rest of the Auction Committee.