Thank you to all who wrote a holiday greeting to our fellow UUs experiencing incarceration. Beth Murray from the Prison Ministry Team at the Church of the Larger Fellowship passed on these thoughts from two folks who received holiday messages:
Thank you for remembering us with holiday greetings. You are part of my family of choice. I feel so welcomed and accepted as a UU just as I am. What a priceless gift. ~ Donna, California
Thank you for making those of us incarcerated feel included and valued. ~ Brett, Colorado
Beth adds, “Because of your willingness to write, we sent thousands of messages. To be exact, 208 volunteers sent 7,685 holiday messages. That means our members experiencing incarceration received multiple messages, making them feel more connected to kindness and our Unitarian Universalist faith.” We here at UUCD sent 50 greetings this season! Thank you again and, remember, for information on becoming a Free World Pen Pal, visit https://worthynow.org/pen-pals.