
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury offers a wide range of opportunities for participation, volunteering, assisting others both within and outside our community, socializing, learning, and personal and spiritual growth. Please refer to our calendar for information on scheduled activities … read more.

Resources on Welcome

Reflect on WELCOME

What’s one of the biggest changes you’ve welcomed into your life that few people know about? Who surprisingly tried to stand in the way of that change? Who surprisingly supported the change?

Tell me about self-acceptance: What part of you is the hardest for … read more.

September Services

September Services – One Service at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, September 3rd – A Cooperative Game – Rev. Craig Schwalenberg
Would you like to play a game? Which game? You choose. The game isn’t important to me. If we play together, then they’re all … read more.

August Summer Services

One Service at 10:00 a.m.

Sunday, August 6th – How to Alleviate the Causes of Violence, Suffering and Hate, While Advancing Peace, Justice and Human Dignity – led by Rabbi Ari Rosenberg
Rabbi Rosenberg will discuss the important work that the Association of … read more.

Notes on 200 Years (and more)

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)
by Douglas H. Parkhurst

…Continued from April 2023

Task Force 2001 did substantial work during the first months of 1997. The committee was organized to articulate a vision and chart a five year course of action for the Unitarian Universalist Society … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

by John Miglietta, Vice-President

As I sit here in my nice cozy home office as the last of winter is trying to drag me into gloom, I am heartened by this congregation and its vision. One thing that gives me hope is our adoption in 2021 … read more.

Notes on 200 Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

The formal process leading to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury’s (UUCD’s) move to its present location at 24 Clapboard Ridge Road began in 1996. It was in response to a growing sentiment among parishioners that the group pursue a vision and … read more.