Living our “green” values

From Team Green  by Barbara Myers 

We were all proud in 2018 when UU Danbury was awarded a Level 3 “Green House of Worship” certificate by the Inter-religious Eco-Justice Network of CT. Perhaps you have seen it hanging over the water fountain in our Fellowship … read more.

Green Action

Team Green develops programs to promote positive environmental actions at the personal, congregational and community levels.

Solar Panels installed in 2017

Wildflowers planted for pollinators on UUCD property

On-site organic garden and composting

In 2018 UUCDanbury received a Level Three Award from the Green … read more.

A Green House of Worship Award


We received a Green House of Worship Award from the Interreligious Eco-Justice Network in April 2018.

We were the first house of worship in our area to go solar (2017). We replaced two furnaces with heat pumps and reduced our use of fossil fuels by using … read more.

Notes on 200 Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

Continued from October 2024…

We begin this month’s article with a look back to early 1957. The board of trustees of First Universalist Church (now Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury), at its February meeting, discussed the current arrangement and capacity of the church … read more.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Music at the Ridge is looking for volunteers once or twice per season to bake refreshments to sell at intermission. If you don’t consider yourself a baker, it is perfectly okay to pick up a box of cookies and/or a bag of clementines at your … read more.

Come Use our New, Improved Composter!

Team Green is pleased to announce that we have a new composting system and a new manager for the composting amenity at UUCD.

Yvonne Ruddy-Stein has generously agreed to be the manager and contact person with all your food/plant recycling issues and concerns. 

What can we compost? 
Nothing … read more.

Sept. Sunday Services – One Service at 10am

September 1 
What Does UUCD Mean to You?
Margaret Henderson                                         

The Labor Day Weekend service will include a discussion about how things are changing at UU Danbury and what we should keep our sights on as we adapt. What changes have you witnessed? What wider social changes … read more.

Ministry and Team News

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Joan Campbell is the contact person for August.
LouAnn Heller is the assistant.
If you have a need, please contact Joan

Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible but it … read more.