Social Justice

Together, we create a force more powerful than one person or one belief. As Unitarian Universalists, we do not have to check our personal background and beliefs at the door: we join together on a journey that honors everywhere we’ve been before. From our recent news
The Social Action Council coordinates a wide range of social action and outreach programs undertaken by members of the congregation.
The Racial Justice Forum acknowledges that race continues to divide us because of unconscious bias, willful blindness, deeply ingrained systems of oppression, and the burdens of our history.
In June of 2021 our congregation voted to adopt an 8th Principle in addition to the 7 that our national organization, the UUA, sets forth. In it we promise to “journey toward spiritual wholeness by working to build a diverse multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions.”
Out of this was born the 8th Principle Action Group, whose mission is to help the congregation find ways to dismantle the systemic white supremacy that exists in our institutions and in ourselves.
Our activities include: sponsoring continuing education and dialogue, ongoing evaluation of our congregation’s policies and practices, and maintaining a list of anti-racism resources that can be found here.
Our work on immigrant justice includes accompaniment to court dates and the ability to provide sanctuary to an individual facing deportation if necessary.
On occasion we provide funds to various community organizations either for special projects or through Share the Plate offerings where we donate 50% of the amount collected on a designated Sunday morning. Here is a link to nominate a Share the Plate offering.
Read more about Share the Plate here.
UU Danbury works with a variety of local organizations on common causes including:
Association of Religious Communities (Danbury)

Danbury, CT