From Our Minister

The quieter you become the more you can hear. ~ Ram Dass

Quiet is not a common occurrence in the season of holidays. And, yet, what an opportune time for reflection as a calendar year comes to a close, we are surrounded by the beauty … read more.

From Our Director of RE

From Our Director of Education For Children and Youth

Dear Congregation,
In Christian texts, there are stories in which children try to come to Jesus and adults try to get them to go away. The message they convey is, “This is an adult thing. Go away … read more.

Our History

In 2022, UUCD Member, Doug Parkhurst wrote a series of articles, Notes on 200 Years (and More), for our monthly newsletters. To read – or print – a compilation of all these articles, please click here. If you have trouble printing your own, … read more.

Accessibility of Building and Programs

We welcome and affirm people of all abilities. We have taken the following steps to assure that no one is excluded for full participation in the life of our church.


For those using wheelchairs or having limited mobility, our main building has the fully accessible fellowship … read more.


Scroll down for other ways to contact us.

Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury
24 Clapboard Ridge Road
Danbury, CT 06811

(203) 798-1994

Consulting Minister: Rev. Tony Lorenzen
Office Hours: Tuesdays, and by appointment
Telephone: (203) 798-1994

Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth:  Sierra-Marie … read more.

Volunteer and More

Teams & Ministries

There are many ways to get involved and make a difference in our community. We have teams and ministries which are charged with doing the diverse work of the congregation to help create the connected experience that our members have come to love. … read more.

Green Action

Team Green develops programs to promote positive environmental actions at the personal, congregational and community levels.

Solar Panels installed in 2017

Wildflowers planted for pollinators on UUCD property

On-site organic garden and composting

In 2018 UUCDanbury received a Level Three Award from the Green … read more.


We are a nurturing spiritual community. We explore, reflect, and learn together. We offer programs for all ages inspiring: 

Ethical Growth 

developing our values in a community with a longstanding commitment to justice, equity, and compassion, 
practicing putting our values into action

Social Growth 

connecting with others across generations 
finding … read more.


Each Sunday at 10:00 AM, we gather for our inspirational, deeply spiritual, thought provoking, reflective, and sometimes just plain fun services. They are led by our minister, Rev. Tony Lorenzen, an average of twice a month – some months more often than others. Other Sundays … read more.

Our Governance

The UU system of governance is based not on ecclesiastical authority, but democracy. All “big” decisions are vested in the congregation as a whole. Our Congregation is governed by bylaws which establish a group of seven members, the Board of Trustees, and a number of … read more.