From Our Minister

The quieter you become the more you can hear. ~ Ram Dass

Quiet is not a common occurrence in the season of holidays. And, yet, what an opportune time for reflection as a calendar year comes to a close, we are surrounded by the beauty of lights and music, holy days, and connections with those we love! I want to encourage you, as I encourage myself, to not become overwhelmed this month by the glitz of the holiday season, unrealistic expectations, and being mindfull rather than mindful. Consider not only the words of American spiritual teacher Ram Dass, but the words of one of my favorite UU hymns of reflection: Voice Still and Small.
Voice still and small, deep inside all,
I hear you call, singing.
In storm and rain, sorrow and pain,
Still we’ll remain singing.
Calming my fears, quenching my tears,
Through all the years, singing.

As we gather in person and online this month for group meetings, a holiday concert, Sunday services, religious education, Christmas Eve service, and a holiday lunch with me, let’s celebrate the abundance of joy and love in our community while also remembering to give ourselves the gift of quiet. Quiet in order to hear more from each other, and from that still small voice within. An important part of being in beloved community is the quiet part,
the listening part. I wish each and all a month of hope, peace, and love.

With gratitude for quiet reflection and a season of joy,
Rev. Kathleen