January Services
Sunday, January 1
Sing in the New Year
Nancy Hershatter
This casual service on New Year’s Day will offer a simple sing-along with coffee and doughnuts! Feel free to bring an instrument and join in the fun, or just come to enjoy the music and the company of friends old and new. You can join in person or online.
Sunday, January 8
The Mustard Seed I
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff
This is the first in a 2-part parable series. The Buddhist parable of the mustard seed will be explored in part 1.
Sunday, January 15
Martin Luther King Jr. Weekend
Rev. Winnie Gordon
Rev. Gordon will join us remotely from Birmingham, England. She considers herself a black British Unitarian and brings a fresh perspective on the American hero, Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Rev. Winnie Gordon (pronouns she/her) is of the Black British Diaspora, queer, cisgender, Minister in the Unitarian faith serving the Birmingham New Meeting Congregation. Her involvement in the wider Unitarian movement includes a number of occasions as a Summer School facilitator and theme speaker, member on various Unitarian Committees including, Unitarian College Academic Board, and the Worship Studies Course. More recently, Winnie completed a Master of Research Degree investigating the inclusivity of People of Colour in the UK Unitarian worship community. She is also involved with Ladywood Community Project, a local charity that aids families experiencing financial hardship and poverty. In her spare time, she loves to read, enjoys life sculpture classes, and hand-building ceramics. Winnie believes learning is life-long and so continues to explore faith, worship practice, and justice issues.
Our Share-the-Plate offering will go to TBICO. TBICO (The Bridge to Independence and Career Opportunities) offers employment related education and training to disadvantaged or low-income men and women at no out of pocket expense to the student with a goal of employment providing adequate income to support their family without government aid.
Sunday, January 22
The Mustard Seed II
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff
In this part 2 of the parable series we will explore the Christian parable of the mustard seed.
Sunday, January 29
When Hope is Hard to Find
Tom Krattenmaker
Tom will join us in person in his second guest speaker appearance with UUCD.
Tom is the Communications Director at Yale Divinity School and writes for US News Today.