No One Discovered America
On this weekend when some celebrate the “discovery” of America by Christopher Columbus, we tell truths about the peoples that were here for thousands of years before him and are here today, fighting for cultural survival.
Read about this month's Spiritual Challenge
On this weekend when some celebrate the “discovery” of America by Christopher Columbus, we tell truths about the peoples that were here for thousands of years before him and are here today, fighting for cultural survival.
Our UU of Somewhere parents’ group leads us in reflecting on fathers and fatherhood: the joy, the pain, the complexities. What have we tried to carry from one generation to the next? What do we wish to leave behind? What is the greatest blessing we’ve … read more.
How might life feel we woke up to the amazing wonder and mystery of everyday experience?
As the world speeds up, it can get harder to slow down. How do we remind ourselves to breathe, to notice, to take it all in, to process our experiences? Even as we work to save the world, how do we stop and savor it?
Sometimes we can find ourselves struggling with what a church “ought to be” instead of working with what a church is. Let’s explore our ideas about church and how they inform our spirituality and justice work.