Questions for the Minister

er For the remainder of this congregational year, Rev. Kathleen will answer a question that has been frequently asked by members of the congregation. This month the question is “What do you do with all your free time since you’re not a full-time minister?”

This is a great question and I’m glad to have the opportunity to answer it and offer an explanation on what it means to be a your half-time consulting minister. I am contracted to provide two Sunday services a month, and am responsible for overseeing and helping the Sunday Services Ministry Team organize all Sunday services throughout the congregational year. I’m also committed to attending monthly standing committee meetings, supervising UUCD staff, providing pastoral care, working with the Membership Team, and supporting stewardship efforts. UUCD is not the only ministry that I am engaged in. I’m also on the faculty of Claremont Lincoln University; teaching in the Peace and Social Justice Masters degree program, as well core courses in mindfulness and inquiry. As you might imagine, my free time is not abundant!

In an effort to stay within the hours of my half-time contract moving forward, I have designated Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday as my UUCD ministry days. This will mean that it may take a day or two for me to reply to your email or phone call, and I will generally not be available for meetings on other days of the week. But, of course, when urgent and emergency situations arise I make exceptions to my schedule. I realize that having a half-time minister means less accessibility and availability than may be optimum, but I hope this explanation provides some clarification and gives some food-for-thought for UUCD’s