For the remainder of this congregational year, Rev. Kathleen will answer a question that has been frequently asked by members of the congregation.
“What do you call that scarf thing you wear on Sundays?”
I love this question! On very special occasions you may see me wear a robe and stole. Most Sundays I will not wear a robe but I will wear a stole. That’s what that “scarf thing” is called. In the Unitarian Universalist tradition, clergy wear a stole once they are ordained. We often receive a stole from our internship congregation or ordaining congregation, and wear them with those communities and connections in mind. Some of my colleagues have described stole wearing as putting on the “mantle of a minister”. I wear a stole as a reminder of my commitment to my calling to professional ministry. I also wear a stole as an homage to all those ministers who have gone before me; clearing the path for me and those that come after me. Every stole I have, and I have lots of stoles, has a story of where it came from, who gifted it to me or where I purchased it, when in my ministry I received it, and memories of the times when I wore it. My collection of beautiful stoles is a tapestry of UU congregations and ministerial adventures!
Please feel free to reach out with other questions, concerns, and suggestions. I love hearing from you!