There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
~ Louis L’Amour
Our first year of ministry together is coming to completion. It has been quite a year, hasn’t it? And we have done some good work getting to know one another, welcoming visitors and new members, maintaining quality in our Sunday services, caring for each other, utilizing our incredible multiplatform set up, supporting our youth and religious education programming, continuing to think “green”, appreciating our awesome staff, showing up to feed our neighbors at Dorothy Day, and persevering in our efforts to stay connected to one another. So much to be grateful for and so much to celebrate!
The end of year one together may soon be finished but that means the second year of my contract with UUCD is beginning! Just as the good people of this congregation have for 200 years, we will begin again with a new congregational year. Every year is a new beginning to live our mission and envision the future of our beloved community. Endings bring new beginnings which bring opportunities to try new things, to embrace the adventure of change, and make discoveries about ourselves that can help us grow.
We all know the troubles in the world will wax and wane with the political tides here and beyond. We may believe we are finished with one trouble when a new one begins. Such is life. And this is just one reason why being in community is so important. We can face both the endings and the beginnings together and draw strength and inspiration from one another. What a gift!
With gratitude for a challenging and joyful first year with you,
Rev. Kathleen