August Services

One Service at 10:00 AM at UUCD
and via Zoom email for Zoom link

August 7 Religious Liberty for All Rev. Kathleen Rudoff
Rev. Kathleen Rudoff will lead the service on Religious Liberty for All.   What does that phrase mean and how does it relate to reproductive justice and Unitarian Universalist values? Rev. Kathleen will share her experiences volunteering at a women’s clinic in New Jersey, and will explore the well-worn idea of religious liberty for all.

August 14 There’s No Wrong Way to Have a Body
Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao
Our Director of Religious Education, Rev. Sierra Marie Gerfao will lead the service on There’s No Wrong Way to Have a Body. Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao preaches about once a month in congregations throughout Connecticut and around the country.
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff has invited Sierra-Marie to bring a reflection to our congregation, outside of her role as Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth. She will offer a reflection on disability justice, body positivity, and the idea that your body is not wrong.

August 21 Making Space for Mental Health Guest Minister Rev. D.L Helfer
We’ve all head the news — too few therapists for too many stressed out people. Today we explore how our interconnections, our communities, can offer respite to ourselves and each other.

Rev. DL Helfer is non-binary, and in general avoids boxes which traps them into “this” or “that.” Instead, they search for possibility, for deeper truths, and share those glimmers of possibility with others. Rev. DL is presently pursuing a Masters of Social Work and serving as a hospital chaplain. They hail from Southern California but now call Providence, RI home. They share that home with their beloved partner and their 20 year old cat. 

August 28
Details to come! Rev. Kathleen Rudoff

Pathway to Membership Class with Rev. Kathleen following the Sunday, August 28 Service
The class will start 15 minutes after the service ends (approximately 11:15 start time). It will run for 1.5 hours, and will be held in person at UUCD, with option to join virtually.
In this workshop, you will…
• Learn about Unitarian Universalism
• Discover what UU Danbury can offer you
• Receive information about how to become a member

July Services

Sunday, July 3  We the People             Rev. Julie Taylor 

It is time to celebrate Independence Day and General Assembly! On this holiday weekend we recognize the democratic process both within the context of this nation and the Unitarian Universalist Association. 

Rev. Julie Taylor is a Unitarian Universalist community minister specializing in critical incident response, community crisis and pastoral care. Julie is the Senior Director of Contextual Ministry and an affiliate professor at Meadville Lombard Theological School. In addition, Julie serves as a chaplain (Capt) with the New York Air National Guard and on the board of the UU Trauma Response Ministry. An ordained minister since 2001, Julie has served UU congregations in New York City and St. Louis and volunteered with multiple crisis and disaster response organizations. A sought-after speaker and teacher, Julie has contributed chapters to several books on the subject of spiritual care and crisis. Agitating, preaching, and working towards dismantling systems of White Supremacy are key in Julie’s theology and work. 

Sunday, July 10 Confessions of an Idiot Liberal Communist 
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff 

It may seem as if there are easy answers to the debate over gun control, but there aren’t, no matter what side you find yourself on. This message tries to make some sense of that debate and the love affair with guns. 

Sunday, July 17 Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny 
Rev. Susan Frederick Gray, UUA President 

In this pre-recorded service, we are reminded that covenant—our promises about how to be together and in the larger world—is our religious response to our fundamental interdependence. Our practice of covenant echoes the theology of our Universalist and Unitarian ancestors, even as our promises, today, knit us together within our Unitarian Universalist communities. Those promises also shape our moral lives, calling us to extend care to the most vulnerable and marginalized members of our human family, rather than falling back on distorted notions of individual freedom. 

Sunday, July 24      Broadway Sunday   

A lay led service Coordinated by Suzanne Fritsch-Hall One of the six sources we draw from in living out our Unitarian Universalist principles is the direct experience of transcending mystery and wonder. Many people find that experience through the arts: theater, music, dance, and more. This Sunday is dedicated to the spiritual experiences lived through seeing and singing Broadway! 

Sunday, July 31 Loving Eighty (80)! 

A lay led service by Marcia Brooker 

Marcia will explore some of the joys of being an 80 year old and observations/stats this age group.