Upcoming Events

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, September 14th at 9:30 a.m. at UUCD in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level.  For more information contact Gary or Joe.

Chair Yoga Classes are Continuing at UUCD 
Classes are FREE for all UUCD members of all genders. We all know there is excessive physiological stress. uncertainty, radicalization, climate issues, social tribalism and many more national problems and personal problems that we face in our daily lives. Perhaps it’s time for you to start facing some of the repercussions these threats and problems have on our minds and bodies. Gentle stretches both sitting and standing can have a wonderful effect on a person’s body and sense of wellbeing. All aspects of this class are designed to lead a person to a feeling of wellness and learning to become calmer. Here are some of the other techniques you will learn. We practice chanting, deep breathing, meditation, special techniques for calming the mind, tapping for health and relaxing, and the most fun of all, laughter yoga and more. 

Come join our happy group, it’s great value in so many ways, on Mondays 10:00 am to 11:00 am at UUCD. This new class will begin on Monday September 19th in the lower level of the Fellowship Hall. Participants must contact their doctor or medical provider for approval before attending this Chair Yoga Class To register, or if you have questions or concerns, contact Joe any evening during the week after 7:00 pm.

BOOK DISCUSSION: Search, a novel by Michelle Huneven, 
This novel has been making the rounds of Unitarian Universalist book discussion groups this year. Why? Because it is a documentary-style, somewhat fictionalized account of the search process of a Unitarian Universalist congregation as it seeks out its next settled minister. Filled with references we will all find familiar (chalice-lighting, “Spirit of Life,” and more), it is the story of a complex set of committee members who try to find community and consensus in interviewing potential candidates for their ministry before struggling to name one candidate to help move them into the future. 

This will be a two-part discussion: 

Tuesday, October 11th at 7:00 p.m. – We will explore the characters and setting in the story. Which people most resonate with you? Which the least? Do they seem typical of us UUs? Does the congregation sound familiar in its decision-making, its worship, its life, its aspirations? Where do you see tensions? How do you think they could be resolved? 

Tuesday, October 25th at 7:00 p.m. – We will explore the storyline, the search process, both as outlined in the book and compared to the actual search process of Unitarian Universalist congregations. What seemed familiar to you? What feels strange or problematic? Do you think it led to a good outcome? …to good feelings among the committee members?
The two sessions will be led by Randy, a life-long Universalist Unitarian and someone who has been on both sides of the search process. Contact him for more information or to sign up.