One Service at 10:00 AM at UUCD
and via Zoom email for Zoom link

Sunday, September 4th
Rev. Craig Schwalenberg
Capitalism, Democracy, and Congregational Polity. Thomas Jefferson and Michael Moore. What do all of these things have in common? This Sunday of Labor Day weekend, let’s explore the answer, cooperatively.
Rev. Craig Schwalenberg is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister raised in the Midwest, transplanted to New York (near the source of the Susquehanna.) After 15+ years serving as a parish minister and interim minister, he’s started a new community ministry as Your Game Minister— sharing the fun and wisdom where spirituality and play cross paths. His ministry is one of connections, storytelling, hospitality, and games.

Sunday, September 11th Homecoming
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff, Sierra-Marie Gerfao, Jerry Phelps
On this very special Sunday we will welcome new members and come together as a multigenerational community to celebrate the start of a new congregational year. Please bring a small amount of water that symbolizes your external and internal Summer journeys as we share in an ingathering of water ritual.
Please join us for a Potluck Picnic immediately following the September 11th Homecoming Service
Bring a dish to share as follows:
Last Name:
A – G Salad
T – Z Dessert/Fruit
H – S Sandwiches or a Main Dish
Drinks will be provided

Sunday, September 18th
Meanwhile, the World Goes On
Rev. Barbara Pescan
Barbara Pescan is a Unitarian Universalist minister, retired. She has served churches in Oak Park and in Evanston Illinois and Connecticut, where she served this congregation from 1988 to 1995. Barbara is delighted to see you all again, and wishes it were in person.
Sunday, September 25th
Auction Sermon
Rev. Dr. Kathleen Rudoff
In November of last year, congregant Lisa Horton had the winning bid for choosing a sermon topic. The exact topic and title are still under consideration and will be revealed in the announcements on Sept. 18!
Introduction to Liberation Theologies of Disability
Please click here to see the list of resources Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao offered during her sermon on disability justice in August. If you are already familiar with these resources and looking for more to deepen your understanding, please reach out to Sierra-Marie at