From our Minister October 2022

Letting there be room for not knowing is the most important thing of all. ~ Pema Chodron 

In a recent online conversation about what to expect from our religious education programming this new congregational year, I talked about liminal seasons and asserted that we are not yet out of a liminal time. It’s something you may have heard about: the in between time. It’s a time of uncertainty and a time of innovation. It’s a time of not knowing, or not having all the answers, and as a religious community it’s time that cries out for trust and patience. I’m not sure those are naturally our best attributes but I feel pretty confident that by embracing the idea of not knowing, we are making room for wonderful and important things to emerge. 

Covid still lingers in our lives and causes us to step back now and again to re-assess the situation. But we are resilient and flexible, while also being cautious and caring. We may not know with certainty that every dinner and event will go on without a hitch, but we do know that trusting each other, being patient with ourselves and congregational leaders, and letting our creative juices flow, is what is most important in a liminal season. 

In this continuing season of in-between, our 200th Anniversary Celebration may not look as big and grand as we had expected it to be but we plan to have a wonderful Sunday celebration this month with a guest speaker from the Unitarian Universalist Association, community brunch, an artifact display and fun trivia game! Then on December 9th , our actual anniversary date, we’ll celebrate again with a special reception where a beautiful anniversary quilt will be unveiled. Please join me for these special events and so many more this month as you are able. The liminal season will eventually end. Until then, let’s make room for trust, patience, and innovation. 

With gratitude for our 200th birthday, 

Rev. Kathleen 


Let’s All Help Keep One Another Healthy What is a slightly bothersome cold for you could make someone else very sick. Let’s keep one another healthy as the weather changes and people spend more time indoors. Please stay home and enjoy events remotely via Zoom if you are not feeling well, whether or not your symptoms are Covid symptoms. If your symptoms are Covid symptoms, please also take a Covid test, even if they are mild and you think it is probably just allergies or an inconsequential scratchy throat. We have some rapid tests available if you need one.