Teams and Ministries – October

Our (Postponed) First Social Action Night is October 28th

Join us on Friday, October 28th from 7-8PM to put together hygiene kits for kids of Danbury Youth Services. And please bring donations for the kits any time this month to the basket in the foyer marked “hygiene kits.” We need at least 20 of each of the following items (new):

  • Large Toiletry Cases, spacious enough to hold one of each of the following
  • Combs, 6”, with Handle
  • Toothbrushes, Soft
  • Toothbrush holders
  • Tubes Toothpaste, 8oz.
  • Packs of Single-Use Dental Flossers
  • Bottles Shampoo/Body Wash, 8-12 oz.
  • Bottles of Lotion, 8-12 oz.
  • Pocket Packs of Facial Tissue
  • Nail clippers

Auction Committee Now Forming –

The Auction Committee is beginning to plan for this year’s Auction and we’d like to invite anyone who’s interested to come help us put on another wonderful event! If interested please contact Peter Horton.
And for everyone else, please be thinking about whether there’s something you’d like to donate this year – a service, a dinner or group outing, a craft item or maybe an heirloom. We’ll let you know more details
about the Auction as soon as we can!

Buildings and Grounds Needs Your Help

Before the weather gets too cold volunteers are still needed for fall cleanup and other tasks. You may have heard that the Board has hired a part-time person to assist B&G on items that were deferred during the past few years that need extra care and attention. This welcomed extra help does not in any way negate the need for volunteers, so please contact Gary Mummert if you have some spare time. Every effort is made to be flexible based on your availability. Thanks for all your support.

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle. Joan Campbell is the contact person for October Joan Stapleton is the assistant.
If you have a need, please contact Joan Campbell.
Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible but it may be at the end of the day

Soup Kitchen Corner

by Judy Lacker

On Saturday, October 1st, members of Soup Kitchen Team #4 will be returning to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on Spring Street to help serve take-out meals that were cooked in volunteers’ homes as well as bagged sandwiches for lunches and breakfasts and hot lunches for Pacific House also prepared in volunteers’ homes as well as through donations. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to serve the guests a meal inside because of the Covid pandemic.
You can also help feed our neighbors with a gift card in any amount from any local supermarket. In addition, you can still continue to make food donations to the Daily Bread Food Pantry (25 West Street – entrance off Terrace Place). Donations are accepted on Mondays between 11 am and 2 pm and on Fridays between 8:30 am and 11:30 am. Lynn Taborsak has also been scheduling the sandwich donations so we have just the right amount each day at Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen. If you are interested in making sandwiches, please email her at We can all be an important part of the fight to end hunger in our community!