From the Board of Trustees

From the Board of Trustees
by Margaret Henderson, President

As I write this, 5 members of UUCD are attending GA (General Assembly) in Pittsburgh: Margaret Henderson, Bruni Edwards, Jackie Alexander, Randy Becker and Jane Leff. The first 3 are representing our congregation as delegates – attending the business meetings as well as a couple of pre-convention online meetings, and voting on issues and candidates for national offices of the UUA.

Randy Becker was presented at GA with the MacLean Award for his outstanding contributions to religious education over his 50 years of ministry. The UUA presents the Angus H. MacLean award each year to someone who has contributed to the quality of religious education locally, nationally at the UUA level, and beyond. Congratulations to Randy!

At this writing it is anticipated that Rev. Sophia Betancourt will replace Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray as president of the UUA. Her 6-year term will begin this summer.

The Board is pleased to welcome Jeff Asher to our midst on July 1st as a Trustee starting his 3-year term. We have a retreat scheduled for the morning of July 22nd so we can get squared away for the new church year and work on goal-setting. Note: We will also be searching for a new Auction Chair (or co-chair) at that meeting, so now is the time to step forward if this might be you! This is probably the one biggest thing you can do to ensure UUCD’s financial success this year, and you’ll be finished by December! Truly, we will be deeply grateful to anyone who can help.

Finally, look for an announcement very soon about a new minister for our congregation! We will miss Rev. Kathleen more than we can say, but we know she’s just down the road and we hope she’ll come back and visit from time to time, after her official year of separation is over. Come August 1st, it will be time for us to open our minds and hearts to someone different. Moving on will be difficult, but as Homer the caterpillar (in Sam McCoy’s story for all ages in the June 18, 2023 service) would point out, “Without change, there’d be no butterflies!”