Author: officeadmin

February Sunday Services

February’s theme is Trans Inclusion and all services will relate to that idea in some way. Some services may differ slightly from these descriptions as details of the main presentation aren’t finalized until a day or two before each service.

Sunday, February 2nd … read more.

From Our Minister, Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“A Time of Decision”

Dear Beloveds,

After watching some videos and reading the transcript of the incoming president’s inaugural address and news accounts of the first day of the administration, I want to be very clear that what we witnessed January 20, 2025 was beyond injustice, it … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

From the Board of Trustees

by Margaret Henderson, President

As I write this it’s a cold, snowy day in January, but the Board is considering a proposal from the UUCD kids to build a playground. The children have thought about what kind of equipment they want, and … read more.

February Events

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month.  Our next meeting is onWednesday, February 12th at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level. For more information contact Jeff Asher or Joe Gillotti.

Saturday, February 8th – Suze Shaner and Dan Brodax are facilitating Movies … read more.

Social Action Council

Soup Kitchen Corner                                                                                                           by Judy Lacker                                       

On Saturday, February 1st,some members of Soup Kitchen Team B (Team Leaders Bruni Edward & Yvonne Ruddy-Stein, Joanne Davidson, the Parr Family, the Bonansinga/Twombly Family, the Haffner Family) will be returning to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on Spring Street … read more.

News from the UUA

30 Days of Love – January 17 through February 14 – Brought to you by Side With Love

Every year the UUA offers us 30 Days of Love, ending on Valentine’s Day. This campaign is run by their public advocacy group, Side With Love, whose … read more.

Notes on 200+ Years

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)
by Douglas H. Parkhurst

The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury (UUCD) will celebrate its 203rd anniversary later in 2025. A variety of accounts have been written about UUCD over the past two centuries. These include historical narratives; 19th and 20th … read more.

Thank You Notes

Thank you to all who wrote a holiday greeting to our fellow UUs experiencing incarceration. Beth Murray from the Prison Ministry Team at the Church of the Larger Fellowship passed on these thoughts from two folks who received holiday messages:

Thank you for remembering us … read more.