Ministry/Team News

From Buildings and Grounds

Volunteers for small discreet tasks are still needed to assist the new B&G Team during the summer. If you have a few spare hours to lessen the load, please contact Gary Mummert. If you know someone needing community service hours, please let Gary know and he’ll handle contacting the person.

The B&G Team members are Melene Rose, Todd Zagorec, Barb Myers, Carl Tramontana, Keith Henderson, and Gary Mummert.

Depression Support Group now available

We are proud to announce that we’re loaning space to a support group for adults dealing with depression, called Alternatives to Suicide. The group meets weekly in the FH lower level on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30pm. It’s free, confidential and open to all. People don’t need to be members or friends of UUCD to attend. 

Click here for more information.

From The Caring Circle

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Joan Campbell is the contact person for July and August.
Donna Lawrence is the assistant.
If you have a need, please contact Joan .

Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible but it may be at the end of the day.

From the Social Action Council                                                          

Soup Kitchen Corner                                 by Judy Lacker                                 

On Saturday, July 1, members of Soup Kitchen Team 1) co-leaders Judy Lacker and Rose Schlemmer, John Miglietta, Brian Teagarden and Gary Winn and on Saturday, August 5, members of Team 2 (co-leaders Carl Tramontana and Darlene Anderson-Alexander, Rose Schlemmer, Suze Shaner, Lisa Deldin and Andrea Anderson will be returning to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on Spring Street to help serve take-out meals that were cooked in volunteers’ homes as well as bagged sandwiches for lunches and breakfasts and hot lunches for Pacific House also prepared in volunteers’ homes as well as through donations. Unfortunately, we are not yet able to serve the guests a meal inside the soup kitchen.

**Please note:

Dorothy Day is going to make it easier for people who want to make sandwiches to sign up online for the dates that we need sandwiches. Just go to their website at and click on the button that links you to this week’s available spots. Sign up and you are done. You’ll even get an email reminder.

There are lots of opportunities in June, July and August so keep checking back.  Of course, if you have questions or need to cancel for some reason – just let me know at

You can also help feed our neighbors with a gift card in any amount from any local supermarket. Lynn Taborsak has also been scheduling the sandwich donations so we have just the right amount each day at Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen. If you are interested in making sandwiches, please email her at We can all be an important part of the fight to end hunger in our community!

In the past couple of years, we have lost some of our Dorothy Day volunteers. Please consider volunteering to be on a DD Team – it only involves a few hours, 3 Saturdays per year. You will find it to be a very rewarding experience. Please contact Judy Lacker for more information or to sign up.

Please note that we have resumed collecting non-perishable food donations on Sunday mornings. Please place your food donations in the basket in the foyer. You can sign up to help transport the weekly collection to The Dorothy Day Hospitality House on Spring Street.