September Events

Music at the Ridge presents Jim Scott in Concert
– Sunday, Sept. 10, 4pm

Jim Scott is a composer, guitarist and singer whom Pete Seeger called “some kind of magician”. He creates and performs music for a just, peaceful and sustainable world. Jim was part of the Paul Winter Consort for decades, performing all over the world, including twice yearly summer and winter solstice concerts at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. HIs flamenco-style guitar playing is legendary among guitarists. “With virtuoso guitar work and an easy, honest presence, he delivers his musical message straight to minds and hearts.” — Nancy Hershatter, for Music at the Ridge. Tickets available HERE.

Men’s Group – Wednesday, Sept. 13, 10am

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, September 13th at 10am at UUCD in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level. For more information contact Jeff Asher or Joe Gillotti.

Mark your calendar for the revival of Movies with a Message!
– Saturday, Sept. 16, 6:30pm

Suze Shaner and Dan Brodax are revitalizing Keith Dupree’s Spiritual Cinema showings. We will start on September 16th and then we will meet the second Saturday of each month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. These nights will consist of one or two short movies that explore the big questions about life and living (i.e, Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we bound? and What can we become when we live at our highest level of potential? ) with discussion afterwards. We will supply some pizza, including a gluten-free pizza and you are welcome to bring your own food and drink. Donations accepted.

Women’s Group – Thursday, September 28th at 2pm

The Women’s Group will start meeting again on Thursday, September 28th at 2pm in the Fellowship Hall lower level. It will be wonderful to be together again! Because it’s been so long please let Jane Leff know if you will be attending.

Circles of Connection – Interfaith Rituals for Healing after Miscarriage

Do you know someone who has experienced a miscarriage? If so, please let them know about a special program taking place this September-November as part of our community outreach efforts. Gina Cassetta, assisted by Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfeo, UUCD Director of Religious Education and Family Ministries, will be leading four Circles of Connection: Interfaith Rituals for Healing After Miscarriage. These rituals were written by Gina as her final project for her MA in Transformative Leadership and Spirituality, and are meant for those who have had miscarriage, whether it happened six months ago or decades ago.

Although miscarriages are fairly common, they are not usually acknowledged by society. Often occurring early in a pregnancy and before an announcement is made, they thus become a life event shared with very few and processed mainly on their own. Coming together in a safe space allows people to recognize their pain and loss and to know that they are not alone with the memories of their child and dreams that never came to fruition.  

Space is limited and advance registration is required. Scholarships are available, and the money collected will be used to offset the cost of running the rituals, for childcare if needed, or donated to UUCD for use of the space.