UUA News and Events

Wednesday, December 20, 2023 at 4 pm PT/ 5 pm MT/ 6 pm CT/ 7 pm ET

The Winter Solstice occurs when Earth’s axis tilts away from the sun, making it the shortest day and longest night of the year for those living in the Northern Hemisphere.

Join us the evening BEFORE the Winter Solstice for music, reflection, meditation, and spiritual grounding.

On this longest night, we will be featuring the work of the Energy Democracy Project and sharing a portion of our offering with them. Let’s work for light for all on the longest night of the year. Our service is part of the larger arc of Clean Energy as a Human Right being led by Side with Love.

Register Here For. the Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.usimeeting/register/tZ0vcumurzgvGNfGw4IsylL9eG3t Gfc3ZGaL#/registration