From the Board of Trustees

by John Miglietta, Vice-President

When we ‘sign the book’ to become a member of UUCD, one of the things we agree to is to ‘Pledge to support our congregation’.  We each understand that this means monetarily, to give something to help provide for the physical building, the heat, and for the salaries of the staff amongst countless other things. But it also means pledging some of our time and energy to ensure that our congregation and mission thrive.  This time commitment from each of us is as necessary to do the work of our community as the more tangible dollar commitment.

Much as we have differing financial resources, we all have different abilities to offer our time and energy.  Some of us have a special talent, ability, or training that can help a specific need (here I’m thinking of finance, to help our Treasurer). Or perhaps you know your way around a kitchen, your skill would be helpful during coffee hour, at the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen or perhaps for the upcoming Auction in November. Or are you comfortable wearing a tool belt? Buildings and grounds can always use the extra hands. Do you have a creative flair? How would you decorate the sanctuary for an upcoming function? 

Some of these commitments are longer term (three years for a Trustee), and some are only for a few hours. Some teams meet regularly, and some are ad hoc, meeting only when needed.  Some of these opportunities are inward facing, helping UUCD primarily; and some are more visible in the wider community.  There are such a wide range of opportunities and needs to be addressed that everyone can find something that suits their particular skills, passions, and availability. While none of us can do everything, I believe the each of us can do something.

If you are unsure about your ability to commit, start small. Volunteer to be a greeter, bake a batch of cookies for coffee hour, or help with a rake on spring cleanup. If you don’t know where to look for opportunities to help out, there are many committees and ministries that could use your help here and here. Or just ask someone during coffee hour, I’m sure that you will be pointed in a useful direction.

Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 2024.