July Sunday Services

July Services – One Service at 10am

July 7                     
Bringing Humanity to Our Institutions               Steve Kennedy

Far too often in recent years, we have outsourced the work of our communities to institutions without real ties to the community and the people in it. This service will consider how we can bring our institutional values and practices into harmony with our natural tendency toward interpersonal relationships and on-the-ground thinking and personal values.

July 14                       
Camp Song Sing Along                                   Rev. Tony Lorenzen

July 21   
A Square in the American Quilt: James Baldwin at 100               Samantha McCoy

August 2, 2024, marks 100 years since author and activist James Baldwin was born. Samantha McCoy will lead a service exploring Baldwin’s body of work, his role in civil rights movements, and how his contributions deepen our understanding of what it means to be a citizen of the United States.

July 28    
Answering the Call to Love Loudly!                 Darlene Anderson-Alexander

Today we will explore the Worthy Now Prison Ministry Network, powered by the Church of the Larger Fellowship, a Unitarian Universalist congregation with no geographical boundary. Darlene has recently become a free-world pen pal through the Network and hopes to share her experience and perhaps encourage others at UU Danbury to consider how they might get involved.