From Our Director of Religious Education For Children and Youth, Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao

Sierra-Marie-Garfao / Director of Religious Education

How to Reach Rev. Sierra-Marie

The Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao organizes our children, youth, and family ministries. She is available for office hours almost every Sunday after the coffee hour and absolutely loves it when you drop by! Come see her anytime after the coffee hour. No need for a big reason! Or make an appointment for a Sunday afternoon conversation. 

Other ways to reach Rev. Sierra-Marie:

  • Email: Rev. Sierra-Marie is happy to have even long or complicated conversations by email. Reach out to her by email anytime!
  • Phone: You can leave Rev. Sierra-Marie a message in her voicemail at church, 203-798-1994. If you are involved in programs, you also have her cellphone number. Phone calls or texts are welcome, but as she works part-time, this does not necessarily mean she will be able to respond right away. 
  • Social Media: Rev. Sierra-Marie does not “friend” or “follow” congregants on social media, but will accept your friend or follow requests on the platforms she engages. However, she does not use social media for work. 

Upcoming In Ministries For Children, Youth, and Families

  • Sunday, September 1: Labor Day Weekend, no programs
  • Saturday, September 8: Ingathering service, family fun fair, and homecoming picnic! 
  • Sunday, September 15: 
    • Spirit Play (PreK-1st Grade): Adult-Child orientation – parents and guardians please join your kids for the program
    • Love and Wonder in Nature, aka LAWN (2nd-8th Grade): First-day orientation
    • Junior Youth Group (6th-7th Grade): No program yet
    • Senior High Youth Group (8th-12th Grade): First day for 11th-12th grades only
  • Sunday, September 22:
    • Spirit Play (PreK-1st Grade): Child Orientation – parents and guardians do not need to attend
    • Love and Wonder in Nature, aka LAWN (2nd-8th Grade): Second-day orientation
    • Junior Youth Group (6th-7th Grade): No program yet
    • Senior High Youth Group (8th-12th Grade): First day for 8th-12th together
  • Sunday, September 29:
    • Spirit Play (PreK-1st Grade): Regular program
    • Love and Wonder in Nature, aka LAWN (2nd-8th Grade): Regular program
    • Junior Youth Group (6th-7th Grade): No program yet
    • Senior High Youth Group (8th-12th Grade): Regular program/possible moving day (cottage house to fellowship hall)

Fair for Children, Teens, and Families September 8th

Kids and families, please join us on the lawn on September 8th 10:30AM-12PM (adults attending the service can join kids outside after the service ends). We will have a bounce house, games, and other activities for the kids. There will also be information for adults about this year’s programs for kids, teens, and families. If it rains, we will set up some activities in the fellowship hall. 

Volunteers Needed

We still need volunteers for our planned programs for children and youth this year. The only way to guarantee that this is a congregation that offers programs for children and youth is to join a team to make it happen. There are both large and small opportunities to volunteer. Reach out to Sierra-Marie (email, and she can help you determine whether one of those volunteer opportunities is the right one for you. 

Thank You For Registering!

Thank you to those of you who have submitted a 2023-2024 registration form for your children and youth. If you have not yet had the opportunity, please click here to do so. We need an updated form on file each year for the children and youth in our community. Please also share the link with family, friends, and neighbors who are interested in joining us on Sunday mornings.