From the Board of Trustees

Did I Just Say Yes?

by Todd Zagorec

I have trouble saying no. Sometimes this is a problem, which is why I avoid missionaries and timeshare sales people. Other times, though, I’m surprised by how happily it works out.  

For example, one Sunday at coffee hour, I was minding my own business, quietly chewing on a carrot and thinking about the state of the world. I’m not antisocial. I like it when someone comes up and talks to me, but approaching someone else to start a conversation doesn’t come naturally. 

A friend tapped my shoulder. I won’t name them – some people are shy about publicity. They asked if I would like to join the Sunday Services Ministry Team. It had never occurred to me to do that. But I liked everyone on the Team, it sounded like it might be fun, and for me it’s always easier to say yes than no. So I said yes. I’ve now been on the team for nearly a year, and I enjoy every minute of it. 

A few months ago, following another shoulder-tap from another friend, I accepted an invitation to join the Board of Trustees – another group of people I like, doing interesting things. Sometimes my reflexive ‘yes’ works out very well.

Which brings me to my point. Don’t be afraid to volunteer, or to accept an invitation to volunteer. There are lots of opportunities to connect. You can join one of the teams, or get involved with the Family Ministry (what we used to call RE . . .), or help with a particular project (like the auction, or a task force to make recommendations about how we might show our solidarity with the Paugusett people, or a possible Climate Revival this fall if we get enough volunteers). Or you can learn a new skill, like how to manage the coffee or the Zoom platform on Sundays, or how to help with UUCD’s composting program.

Any of those is a chance to contribute your talent and personality, to get to know other people, to grow, to have fun, and to help build our UUCD community.

Do you have to? No, of course not, and I have no desire to pressure anyone. My reflexive ‘yes’ is not a habit I would necessarily recommend. You know what you like and don’t like, what you are capable of, and what time and other constraints you have. Don’t hesitate to say ‘no’ when you know that’s the right answer for you.

All I’m saying is that volunteers are always appreciated, and if there is something you’d enjoy doing, don’t wait to be asked!  

UUCD Board Meets Monthly on Monday Nights

Beginning in September the UUCD Board of Trustees meetings are moving from the 2nd Thursday of each month to the 2nd Monday. We generally meet in person at 7 pm in the Lower Level of Fellowship Hall. Members of UUCD are always welcome to come observe any meeting – this is one way we keep our actions transparent to the congregation. Non-members may contact a Board member to arrange to observe a meeting. (Note: Occasionally for sensitive matters such as personnel issues, the Board goes into Executive Session where observers are not permitted.)

We also publish the minutes of our monthly meetings here in the Member Portal of under “Board of Trustees Documents.” Minutes are posted as soon as they’ve been approved.

If you need access to the Member Portal, please contact Sherry or Margaret for the current password.