Parents/Caregivers Group
We have a group for parents and caregivers of LGBTQIA+ individuals of any age. The group meets monthly. We support one another and celebrate our kids. If you know a parent or caregiver in the larger community who might benefit from our group, please share Rev. Sierra-Marie’s contact information and let her know to expect to hear from this person.
UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 8th at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level. For more information contact Jeff Asher or Joe Gillotti.

Please note date change to Saturday, January 18th – Suze Shaner and Dan Brodax are facilitating Movies with a Message, using Spiritual Cinema’s movie shorts each month from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. These nights consist of 1-3 short movies that explore the big questions about life and living (i.e, Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we bound? and What can we become when we live at our highest level of potential?) with discussion afterwards. We will supply water and popcorn. Feel free to bring your takeout dinner. Donations to UUCD gratefully accepted.