From the Board of Trustees

From the Board of Trustees

by Nancy Cullen, Secretary

Trans Inclusion in the Congregation

Despite all the competing events going on in our congregation and in the world, you’ve probably heard of the course: Trans Inclusion in the Congregation. Rev. Tony took the course, and the Board of Trustees decided to offer it to the congregation this year.

Alex Kapitan, a partner in creating the course, spoke at our February 2nd service. Are you taking the 6-video online course? It is free: ask trustees, Sherry, or Rev. Tony if you need help accessing the course. Rev. Tony is offering discussions on Zoom periodically, in both daytime and the evening.

A book, Authentic Selves, has also been offered as a text for all of us to read. Many of us bought the book, and you can borrow one—just ask anyone on the Board of Trustees, Sherry, or Rev. Tony.

The 5th video in the course is my favorite. Alex and Mykal shared iceberg models of cultureillustrating what is above the surface and what is below, in 3 different cultures: Trans, UU, and the Dominant culture. This says a lot about Alex and Mykal’s perspective in graphic form. 

Like UUs, Trans people are a very small percentage of the larger culture. Only by taking the time to get to know individuals from other cultures can we understand their values and beliefs. There are connections we can build. I recommend the course.

Can you guess which is which? Click to enlarge