From our Minister  May, 2022

Your vocation in life comes from where our greatest joy meets the world’s greatest need.
~ Frederick Buechner 

I love this quote from theologian Frederick Buechner. But I don’t limit its impact to vocation. It’s a great motivation for congregational life as well. While our stewardship campaign is officially over, and our Finance Team is working on a budget for the upcoming year, our mantra of “one community many hands” needs to remain in the forefront of our minds as we look to our future and each member and friend decides where to share their talent. Which Teams will you serve on in the coming year? 

I can remember when I found this congregation some 24 years ago. I was invited to join the Sunday Services Committee just a week or so after signing the membership book! It was a great fit for me and from there I tried other areas of congregational life; serving in religious education, membership, a capital campaign, and much more. I found places where my joy, passion, and skills met the needs of the congregation. One of the most inspiring, and yet daunting, truths of Unitarian Universalist congregations is that we are fully self-governing and totally self-sustaining. If we want to have programming, or professional staff, or a lovely facility, we have to pay for it with our finances, time, and talent. It’s what we’ve been doing for 2 centuries with the many hands that have engaged in the efforts to be a beacon of independent thought in our corner of Connecticut. It’s what I hope you are considering as a part of your commitment to UUCD. We need each other in order to live out our mission. 

I know it’s been a challenging and often painful couple of years. I know the feeling of exhaustion and uncertainty. I know the frustration and sadness that comes from hearing and seeing the unthinkable violence and oppression throughout the world. And I also know that we have an amazing congregation that continues to support one another and those in the wider community, even when it’s difficult. The only way that we keep our beloved community thriving is by every person taking seriously their role as a steward; sharing not only financially, but with time and talent. I’ve always felt it was a gift and an honor to steward the congregations I’ve been a part of. And when your joy meets the congregation’s need, it’s priceless! I’m looking forward to welcoming new members on May 1, and seeing where each of you chooses to engage in congregational life and service in the new congregational year. 

Deeply grateful for the dedication and talent among us, 

Rev. Kathleen