Spiritual Challenge: Pick a Summer Reading List and Read Your Way Through

SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE Pick a Summer Reading List and Read Your Way Through

The theme for the month is summer reading and I challenge you to find a summer reading list and begin working your way through it a book at a time. The task may carry you through the month, into August, and into the fall if you let it. You may find these lists anywhere. Maybe the New York Times bestseller list. Maybe Oprah’s book club books. For some more particular suggestions, you might consider one of my three recommendations.

  1. Spiritual reading list – I frequently suggest books from this list to my spiritual direction clients. There’s things on it that cover a wide variety of spiritual perspectives and even a list of great spiritual fiction.  Download HERE.
  2. A list of Banned Books – Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to find a list of banned books. Some major ones get published on a regular basis such as lists of the most banned books in the United States in the past year. Here’s one by the American Library Association of the most banned books in America in 2023: https://www.ala.org/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks/top10
  3. A list made up of all the books you planned on reading but didn’t – perhaps all the books you’ve bought in the last year but haven’t read or all the books you have been writing down somewhere but haven’t read. 

If you’re in a book group or club and are already working on a list – what book your group reads – maybe look for a list of something different such as a list of graphic novels or books you would listen to instead of read.  As always, I’d love to know how you did with this challenge.  Text me or call me at 508-344-3668 or email me at revtony@pm.me.