Religious Education for Children

Here is a link to current programs and news!
We welcome visiting families, children of members, and everyone in between. At UU Danbury, we offer a discovery-oriented, principle-based, source-informed experience that enables young people to negotiate life’s challenges. We encourage them to wonder, question and deepen their understanding. Our committed Religious Education volunteers – and our entire congregation – support children and youth in their Search.
Our program is built upon three core concepts:
The CONTENT is grounded in rich, Unitarian Universalist Association-approved curricula. See links below for information about each age group.
We create a sense of COMMUNITY for all our students to feel safe and free to explore their spirituality. With the social stressors children today, it’s comforting to know that they can come to a place of acceptance and nurturing and just be themselves.
The final building block of our program is COMMITMENT. Children can benefit from our rich curriculum and nurturing community when they show up on Sunday mornings! We understand that all of our lives are packed with many commitments, but we have a cheerful expectation that children will attend Religious Education classes and activities as often as possible. Similarly, since our program is cooperative in nature, we invite parents to help in some way – by teaching or assisting in classes, participating in RE Ministry Team activities, chaperoning field trips, helping to plan holiday activities, or even sharing a hobby or skill. Many adults find that working with children in Religious Education encourages them to re-focus their own spiritual beliefs and is a positive, win-win situation for all. Join us!
Drawing from the lyrics of the important Unitarian Universalist hymn Spirit of Life, my hope is that our Religious Education program creates an environment where children and youth will put down roots in this community and will be encouraged to grow the wings of free-thinking, compassionate adults who will spread the joyful news of Unitarian Universalism far beyond our doors!
Click here for our 2020-21 RE Registration Form.