Savor the World
As the world speeds up, it can get harder to slow down. How do we remind ourselves to breathe, to notice, to take it all in, to process our experiences? Even as we work to save the world, how do we stop and savor it?
Read about this month's Spiritual Challenge
As the world speeds up, it can get harder to slow down. How do we remind ourselves to breathe, to notice, to take it all in, to process our experiences? Even as we work to save the world, how do we stop and savor it?
This Memorial Day, a US Army Chaplain reflects with us on the history of war: the large political stories and small personal stories that lead us toward or away from armed conflict. In our radically interconnected world, we awaken to the ways history has shaped … read more.
Climate change is real, and we are part of it. How do we nourish our spirits and foster hope, keeping ourselves from slipping into despair? Join us for music, meditation, and inspiration.
Begun by Revs. Norbert and Maja Capek of Prague, the flower ceremony weaves connection and hope for all ages. Bring a flower, receive a flower—and an experience of grace.
Join us for this reflection on love, sexuality, and spirituality in our lives. Whether single or partnered, straight, bi, or gay, cisgendered or trans, our sexuality is a significant and life-giving part of who we are spiritually.
Sometimes we can find ourselves struggling with what a church “ought to be” instead of working with what a church is. Let’s explore our ideas about church and how they inform our spirituality and justice work.
The Easter story is a powerful metaphor: the spirit of change cannot be suppressed forever. Hope cannot be killed on the cross. It keeps rising: rising like weeds through a sidewalk, like the green shoots of spring. Join people of all ages to feel the resilient … read more.
Through the cold of winter, we long for spring. Yet we forget how slowly spring unfolds, and how many setbacks there are along the way. Join us on the eve of the Vernal Equinox to reflect on the spiritual lessons Nature has in store.
Drawing our title from a popular bumper sticker, we reflect on the art of creating positive change: in our lives and in the world. When is it better to speak our minds, even if it gets us in trouble? When is it better to keep … read more.
The economy is shaky, inequality is rising, and good jobs seem more scarce. Many of us don’t have family leave, sick time, or true vacations… This coming week we will celebrate international workers’ day, 130 years after the massive walkout that brought the U.S. the … read more.