Month: August 2023

Notes on 200 Years and More

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)
by Douglas H. Parkhurst

The Rev. Harry Adams Hersey began his pastorate at First Universalist Church, now Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury (UUCD), on March 1, 1930. He would turn sixty years old in April. By then a parish minister … read more.

August Spiritual Challenge

This month’s spiritual challenge is on the theme of FUN.

Rev. Tony’s Spiritual Challenge

There’s more than one way to have fun. Just as people have different senses of humor, people have also different style of play. What’s fun to you, may be boring or even … read more.

Our New Minister

We welcome Reverend Tony Lorenzen as UU Danbury’s new minister!

Rev. Tony’s time with us begins August 1, and his first scheduled Sunday in the pulpit will be August 20.
Rev. Tony lives in Woodbury, where his wife (Tuesday Rupp) is the rector at St. Paul’s Episocopal … read more.