Category: 5. From Our Minister

From our Minister, Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“Do Over”

Dear Beloveds,

When my son was four years old, we went to an amusement park and one of the things we did that day was play mini-golf. He loved it! He became a mini-golf aficionado. We couldn’t pass a mini-golf course without him begging to … read more.

June Spiritual Challenge


Our theme for the month is renewal and this month I challenge you to take a nap. Seriously. Make taking a nap a more regular practice than you have been. Allow yourself to rest, to pause, and renew.

Rest is serious … read more.

From Our Minister, Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“Through the Other’s Eyes”

Dear Beloveds,

One of the most important and powerful moments of grace we can experience is to see the world through the other’s eyes. Even with the people we love the most in our most intimate relationships, we can never actually know what … read more.

From Our Minister – Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“A Declaration of Interdependence”

Dear Beloveds,

No less than a dozen Declarations of Interdependence have been proclaimed, in one way, shape or form, since 1936.  These declarations have been made in an ecological context but have also dealt with racial and religious tolerance as well as interdependence … read more.

April Spiritual Challenge

SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE – The Anam Cara, You, and Your Friends

Our theme for the month is Interdependence and my challenge to you focuses on one of the most interdependent of human relationships – Friendship.  Not only do we love our friends, but we also depend on … read more.

From Our Minister


Dear Beloveds,

Tensegrity is a term coined by architect Buckminster Fuller. The word is a contraction of tensional integrity. He wrote “Tensegrity describes a structural-relationship principle in which structural shape is guaranteed by the finitely closed, comprehensively continuous, tensional behaviors of the system and not … read more.

Spiritual Challenge – Interdependence

A Declaration of Interdependence”

Dear Beloveds,

No less than a dozen Declarations of Interdependence have been proclaimed, in one way, shape or form, since 1936.  These declarations have been made in an ecological context but have also dealt with racial and religious tolerance as well as interdependence … read more.

From Our Minister

“Giving Everyone What They Deserve”

Dear Beloveds,

Justice is defined in classical philosophy as giving each their due – or giving everyone what they deserve.  Justice is often discussed as if it is fairness. It’s hard to find anyone who doesn’t want justice done – people … read more.

Spiritual Challenge

An Examination of Conscience for Lingering Prejudices

This month’s theme is liberating love and my challenge to you is examine your conscience for lingering prejudices.  Most good-hearted people are aware of prejudice and understand that even the best of us have certain biases and prejudices, … read more.