Category: 2. From Our Newsletter

From the Board of Trustees

Report from This Year’s Online General Assembly

by Margaret Henderson

Hi all, I’ve just spent the last 4 days immersing myself online in GA (the UUA’s annual General Assembly) with over 2,000 other UUs, and it was fabulous! Here are some of my favorite moments:

I felt privileged … read more.

Ministry/Team News

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Joan Campbell is the contact person for July and August.
LouAnn Heller is the assistant.

Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible but it may be at the … read more.

July Events

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month.  Our next meeting is on Wednesday, July 10th, at 10:00 a.m. at UUCD in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level. For more information contact Jeff Asher or Joe Gillotti.

Movies with a Message will not be … read more.

Notes on 200 Years & More

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

Continued from June 2024…

Late winter 1956 saw a new minister at First Universalist Church (now Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury or UUCD). Ordained in 1949, the Rev. Frederick L. Harrison came to Danbury from serving two … read more.

From our Minister, Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“Do Over”

Dear Beloveds,

When my son was four years old, we went to an amusement park and one of the things we did that day was play mini-golf. He loved it! He became a mini-golf aficionado. We couldn’t pass a mini-golf course without him begging to … read more.

June Sunday Services

One Service at 10 am

June 2                    
The Ocean (a Senior High and Bridging Sunday Service)

On this Sunday Our Senior High Youth Group will lead the service with an ocean theme. We will also have a bridging ceremony honoring those group participants who are transitioning out of youth … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

Annual Meeting         

Please attend the June 2nd Annual Meeting at 11:30 after the service. Members will vote on the 2024-25 budget for UUCD and elect at least one new Board member – hopefully two. Childcare will be provided in the form of a simultaneous Children’s Annual … read more.

Ministry/Team News

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Andrea Andersen is the contact person for June. Donna Lawrence is the assistant.

If you have a need, please contact Andrea .

Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible … read more.

June Upcoming Events

Chair Exercises at UUCD

Gentle Stretching using a chair – Breathing exercises – Laughter

            Chair Exercises Classes are starting again at UUCD for women and men.  Classes are FREE. The importance for seniors to maintain flexibility and mobility cannot be overstated. So often … read more.