Category: 2. From Our Newsletter

May Sunday Services

May Services – One Service at 10am

May 5                               
Love Across Enduring Lines of Difference                          
Katie Grosh

How do we handle encounters with fundamental differences? Katie Grosh (MDiv ’22, Yale Divinity School) will share from her experiences working in interfaith chaplaincy, environmental sciences, and with the … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

by Peter Horton

Here’s a fun test. If you are reading this, please go back to the original email and hit “reply”.  That’s all you need do.  Thanks.

Board Work

Have you ever thought about being on UUCD’s Board?  I think most of us have at one … read more.

Ministry/Team News

From the Family Ministry Team

Join the Family Ministry Team for a May Pole Celebration immediately following the service on May 5th! The program will take place rain or shine, either outdoors on the grounds of UUCD or inside the Fellowship Hall. Wear your crowns of … read more.

Notes on 200 Years and More

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

Continued from April 2024…

What was known as the “Humanist Controversy” became an issue for Unitarians, and to a lesser extent Universalists, during the 1920s and 30s. In 1933 a group of about three dozen liberal intellectuals … read more.

From Our Minister – Rev. Tony Lorenzen

“A Declaration of Interdependence”

Dear Beloveds,

No less than a dozen Declarations of Interdependence have been proclaimed, in one way, shape or form, since 1936.  These declarations have been made in an ecological context but have also dealt with racial and religious tolerance as well as interdependence … read more.

April Spiritual Challenge

SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE – The Anam Cara, You, and Your Friends

Our theme for the month is Interdependence and my challenge to you focuses on one of the most interdependent of human relationships – Friendship.  Not only do we love our friends, but we also depend on … read more.

From our DRE, Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao

Upcoming In Children and Youth Religious Education (RE):

Nursery care for children ages 0-3 is available during services on Sunday mornings, or caregivers are of course welcome to keep their children with them during services. 

Children over the age of three are invited to attend the … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

A Report from the President – Margaret Henderson

The Board – your Board – is going strong! Energy and participation in all corners are up since the pandemic — or since the lockdown I should say, since Covid is still circulating and there are … read more.

Notes on 200 Years and More

Notes on Two Hundred Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

A century ago, around the time First Universalist Society of Danbury (now Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury) celebrated its 100th anniversary, Rev. Lewis B. Fisher, DD, wrote the following to begin his book Which Way? Dr. … read more.