Category: Other News

June Events

Please join us for Rev. Kathleen’s Farewell Party immediately following the June 11th service.

From our Minister

Youth can walk faster, but the elder knows the road.      
– African proverb

Most of you know that I live in what is called an “active over 55” community. I am currently among the youngest there, and I can walk faster than many … read more.

Ministry/Team News

From the Caring Circle

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Bob Bollinger is the contact person for May.
Joan Stapleton is the assistant.
If you have a need, please contact Bob at 203-438-7210 or

Please note that your call will … read more.

May Events

It’s Community Dinner Time

Wednesday, May 10 at 6pm

This month’s dinner is sponsored by the Choir who will provide pasta (including gluten-free), salad, and dessert. After dinner, you will have the option of joining in the choir rehearsal or a special activity. Bring your … read more.

From our Minister

I’ve never before thought about the connection of relevancy to resiliency, but I’ve been thinking a lot about relevancy lately. Religious communities must be relevant in order to survive. That is part of what the Religious Education workshop last month was pointing to. And that’s … read more.

April Events

Music at the Ridge

Hudson Valley Sally Concert – Sunday, April 2nd at 4:00 p.m.

Music at the Ridge live acoustic music series, a program of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury (UUCD) presents Hudson Valley Sally in concert Sunday April 2 at 4 … read more.

Our Future: a lot going on

The Future of Our Congregation’s Children and Youth Ministries 

If you have not already done so, please be sure to click here and submit your RSVP for the all-congregation meeting on March 12th 11:30AM-1:30PM. We will be exploring the future of our ministries for children and … read more.