Category: 2. From Our Newsletter

Sept. Sunday Services – One Service at 10am

September 1 
What Does UUCD Mean to You?
Margaret Henderson                                         

The Labor Day Weekend service will include a discussion about how things are changing at UU Danbury and what we should keep our sights on as we adapt. What changes have you witnessed? What wider social changes … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

Did I Just Say Yes?

by Todd Zagorec

I have trouble saying no. Sometimes this is a problem, which is why I avoid missionaries and timeshare sales people. Other times, though, I’m surprised by how happily it works out.  

For example, one Sunday at coffee hour, I was … read more.

Ministry & Team News

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Joan Stapleton is the contact person for September and October.
Bob Bollinger is the assistant.
If you have a need, please contact Joan.  Please note that your call will be returned as quickly as possible … read more.

Notes on 200 Years (and More)

by Douglas H. Parkhurst

Continued from August 2024…

Special parish meetings were held at First Universalist Church on May 12 and June 30, 1957. Agendas for each meeting included discussion of the congregation’s search for a new minister to follow Rev. Frederick Harrison, who departed Danbury on … read more.

Get Ready for the Nov. 2nd Auction!

Mark Your Calendar! Expect surprises at this year’s event – Don’t Miss It!

A Costume Kiosk is coming in October!

Now is the time to think of what you can contribute to be auctioned off – check the categories below! The Auction is UU Danbury’s most successful … read more.

Movies with a Message

Movies with a Message returns the 2nd Saturday of the month on September 14, 2024

This month’s movie is called Unseen.

“Unseen”:  Most people dream of a better future. Pedro, an aspiring social worker, is no different. But as a blind, undocumented immigrant, Pedro faces political restrictions … read more.

From Our Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth

Sierra-Marie Gerfao

Family Ministry Summer Office Hours In July and August, Rev. Sierra-Marie will be doing a combination of professional development and 2024-2025 preparation time. During this time, she will generally be available to meet by appointment and answer phone calls and emails with the exception … read more.

August Sunday Services – One Service at 10am

August 4                                     
Empathic Distress / Joe Gillotti

Empathic Distress is responsible for stressful human dysfunction in ways that perhaps many people are not aware of. This subject comes from an article by neuroscientists, Dr. Olga Klimecki and Dr. Tania Singer. Revealed in this research … read more.