Category: Other News

UUCD Palestine Solidarity Committee

The horrific war on Gaza has been streaming into our lives for 15 months now. To help educate anyone who may be unfamiliar with the history of this conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, Justine McCabe is organizing a monthly study group on the subject. Anyone interested in … read more.

Social Action – Soup Kitchen Corner

On Saturday, December 7,some members of Soup Kitchen Team C (Team Leaders Judy Lacker and Rose Schlemmer, John Miglietta, Jane Leff, Randy Becker, Gary Winn and Andrea Andersen) will be returning to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on Spring Street to help serve take-out meals … read more.

December Events

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month.  Our next meeting is onWednesday, December 11th at 10:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level. For more information contact Jeff Asher or Joe Gillotti.

Movies with a Message – Saturday, December 14th – Suze … read more.

From Our Minister


by Rev. Tony Lorenzen

Dear Beloveds,

Some years ago, the stitching on a favorite pair of slippers let go. I noticed when I nearly stepped out of it while carrying the laundry. “Damn!” I thought, “I need to get some new slippers.” I stepped out of the … read more.

Auction News!

The UU Danbury Auction Website is Open Now!

Visit the Auction

The auction website closes Friday Nov. 1 at 8pm.  
Buy a ticket for the event. Buy raffle tickets and many fun, delicious, interesting items! Donate to good causes in the … read more.

Volunteer Opportunities:

Music at the Ridge is looking for volunteers once or twice per season to bake refreshments to sell at intermission. If you don’t consider yourself a baker, it is perfectly okay to pick up a box of cookies and/or a bag of clementines at your … read more.

Come Use our New, Improved Composter!

Team Green is pleased to announce that we have a new composting system and a new manager for the composting amenity at UUCD.

Yvonne Ruddy-Stein has generously agreed to be the manager and contact person with all your food/plant recycling issues and concerns. 

What can we compost? 
Nothing … read more.

How to Reach Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao

The Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao organizes our children, youth, and family ministries. She is available for office hours almost every Sunday after the coffee hour and absolutely loves it when you drop by! Come see her anytime after the coffee hour. No need for a big reason! Or … read more.

Meeting the Moment: An Ingathering Message from Rev. Dr. Sofía Betancourt

Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt, President of the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA), welcomes you to a new congregational year, pointing out:

The importance of community support during times of transition and need.  

The past year’s accomplishments and shares her hopes for the future, encouraging widespread sharing of her message. 

UUA’s … read more.