September Sunday Services
September Services – One Service at 10am
September 1
What Does UUCD Mean to You?
Margaret Henderson
The Labor Day Weekend service will include a discussion about how things are changing at UU Danbury and what we should keep our sights on as we adapt. What changes have you witnessed? What wider social changes have happened that we want to adapt to? What needs to stay the same, and how do we express our unchanging values as we move into the mid-21st century? Those joining on Zoom will be able to participate in the discussion.
September 8
All Aboard
Rev. Tony Lorenzen
Rev. Tony Lorenzen leads our annual Ingathering service and reflects on the invitation offered each year to create community together. Please bring water with you from a place or experience you’ve found life giving in the past year. Join us for welcome back potluck after the service.
10:30am – noon Family Fun Fair
Our Informational Fair for families (with a bounce house and other activities for children) will also be Sept. 8th from 10:30am – noon. Our program-year for children and youth launches in September. Know a family with children who might enjoy checking us out? Please talk with families you know about this fair, share on social media groups and on your own social media pages. Share this flyer in your community.
Homecoming Picnic
Please join us immediately following the September 8th service.
4pm Folk Music Concert
Music at the Ridge is a non-religious, community program of the Unitarian Universalists of Danbury. READ MORE
September 15
Braver Angels “An Introduction to Its Mission of Depolarization”
Gary Holland
Braver Angels is a national, nondenominational, nonprofit, non-partisan volunteer organization whose focus is entirely on bringing skills workshops and experiences to America’s individual citizens, organizations, communities, and leaders at the local, state and national levels to reduce polarization. Our Mission, simply put, is to: Bring Americans together to bridge the partisan divide and strengthen our democratic republic. Everyone is suffering from polarization, but this morning you will learn about what Braver Angels is trying to do about it and how you can take advantage of its programs personally and may even be motivated to join in and help Braver Angels in its many programs to return civility to our interactions at every level.
September 22
Rev. Tony Lorenzen
Rev. Tony Lorenzen reflects on what it means to accept the invitation of membership in a congregation. Following the service there will be a congregational conversation about what it means to be a member of UUCD.
September 29
Permanent Housing
Pat LaMarche
Author and Activist Pat LaMarche reflects on the state of homelessness in our society and how to do something about it. Pat LaMarche is an award-winning broadcaster and journalist who has spent a lifetime traveling around the world and across the nation telling the tales of ordinary folks living through unimaginable hardship. Fascinated by history, LaMarche and her children lived in Europe while she pursued a graduate degree at the University of Amsterdam. LaMarche’s first novel, Magic Diary, combines her passion for learning with her keen insight into the American healthcare system. Her two non-fiction books, Left Out in America and Daddy, What’s the Middle Class?, exposed the harsh realities of life for impoverished Americans and their ongoing struggle to survive. Frustrated by a lack of change, she ran for office in 2004, as the Green Party’s vice-presidential candidate.