What an exciting and fun time of year! It’s homecoming season, also known as “ingathering!”
- Friday, Sept. 9 (7-8PM): Religious Education Information Session on Zoom
- Sunday, Sept. 11: Our annual multigenerational homecoming service and picnic!
- Sunday, Sept. 18: Religious Education programs begin launching
- Sunday, Sept. 25: Regular Religious Education programs (note that this is a 3-day weekend for most public schools)
Religious Education Information Zoom Session
Come learn about the programs we have planned for children and youth this autumn! Revs. Kathleen and Sierra-Marie will host a Zoom meeting on Friday, September 9th, 7-8PM to share information and answer your questions. All are welcome! RSVP to Sierra-Marie dre@uudanbury.org
Thank You For Registering!
Thank you to those of you who have submitted a 2022-2023 registration form for your children and youth. If you have not yet had the opportunity, please click here to do so. We need an updated form on file each year for the children and youth in our community. Email Sierra-Marie dre@uudanbury.org
if you need assistance with the form.
Our Nursery Has Reopened!
Optional nursery care is available for children ages 0-5 during services. The nursery opens ten minutes prior to the service and closes ten minutes after the service ends. Bring your children, and bring your friends and their children! We can’t wait to meet them! An introduction to our nursery caregivers is below.
Doreen Goncalves (she/her/hers) is a mom of three. She has two daughters and a son, all grown. She has two grandsons who will be turning three in November and for whom she provides care-giving. She is a retired teacher who taught for 25 years, the majority in PreK and Kindergarten. She now teaches English to adults two night a week at LVA. She loves summer!
Dani Giordano (she/her/hers) has been working with kids since the age of 13 and also specializes in care for children with disabilities. Her favorite part of working with kids is their creativity and the way their imaginations can take them many places. She has two dogs at home named Lexi and Max whom she’s had since she was little. In her free time, she enjoys writing and listening to music. She is currently studying for her health degree at Dutchess Community College and graduates next June!
Volunteers Needed Important news:
We don’t yet have enough volunteers to run all our planned Religious Education programs this year. The only way to guarantee that this is a congregation that offers programs for children and youth (including the lifesaving Our Whole Lives sexuality education programs) is to join a team to make it happen. There are both large and small opportunities to volunteer. Reach out to Sierra-Marie dre@uudanbury.org to help you determine whether one of those volunteer opportunities is the right one for you.