Category: 3. News

August Spiritual Challenge

This month’s spiritual challenge is on the theme of FUN.

Rev. Tony’s Spiritual Challenge

There’s more than one way to have fun. Just as people have different senses of humor, people have also different style of play. What’s fun to you, may be boring or even … read more.

Our New Minister

We welcome Reverend Tony Lorenzen as UU Danbury’s new minister!

Rev. Tony’s time with us begins August 1, and his first scheduled Sunday in the pulpit will be August 20.
Rev. Tony lives in Woodbury, where his wife (Tuesday Rupp) is the rector at St. Paul’s Episocopal … read more.

UUCD Instagram

The UUCD Instagram Up and Running

If you use the Instagram app on your smartphone or device, give the new uudanbury page a follow! Before or after running a program or event, photos and text can be sent to Heather Smith for sharing on Instagram. Ask … read more.

Ministry/Team News

From Buildings and Grounds

A Great Big Thanks from B&G

On Saturday, May 13th, we had a great and energetic crew come out to assist with care of the grounds and plantings. Many thanks to Barb Myers for organizing and communicating about the clean-up day. In addition, … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

by John Miglietta, Vice-President

As I sit here in my nice cozy home office as the last of winter is trying to drag me into gloom, I am heartened by this congregation and its vision. One thing that gives me hope is our adoption in 2021 … read more.

Ministry/Team News

From the Caring Circle

Our Caring Circle is Available

Our ‘Care Coordinator’ receives requests and answers questions for the Caring Circle.

Karen Gillotti is the contact person for April. Valerie Cochrane is the assistant.

If you have a need, please contact Karen at 203-730-9440 or

Please note … read more.

From our Minister

Our life is March weather, savage and serene in one hour. 

~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 

I will admit it. My least favorite month of the year is March. It’s that strange time between Winter and Spring where Mother Nature can’t seem to make up her … read more.

Our Future: a lot going on

The Future of Our Congregation’s Children and Youth Ministries 

If you have not already done so, please be sure to click here and submit your RSVP for the all-congregation meeting on March 12th 11:30AM-1:30PM. We will be exploring the future of our ministries for children and … read more.

Upcoming in Religious Education

Children are always welcome in Sunday services. Alternatively, for children who would prefer, we have nursery care as well as a child-led, play-based Religious Education program available during services. Additionally, we have kicked off Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for 7th-8th graders and 10th-11th graders. … read more.