Category: 3. News

Spiritual Challenge for Nov. 2023: Generosity

Cultivate an Attitude of Abundance

My challenge to you for this month is to practice cultivating an abundance mindset. Abundance is sometimes presented in a magical thinking framework where if a person just has the right frame of mind, adopts positive thinking, and banishes negativity, riches … read more.

Upcoming Events

New Group for Caregivers of LGBTQIA+ Young People

Parents of LGBTQIA+ young people, please join us in gathering on the first Friday of every month from 7:30-9PM for mutual support and celebration of our kids. Our November meeting will take place on November 3rd. Please RSVP … read more.

Sound Panels in Fellowship Hall

Sound Panels Meetings – Come find out more about the proposal to install sound panels in Fellowship Hall. 

Echoes in the hall currently make it very hard to understand someone speaking at the podium.

After research and deliberation we are recommending that acoustic panels be installed on … read more.

Congregational Vote October 8th

Your Board has received lots of complaints about sound quality during Sunday services, and after much research and deliberation we are recommending that acoustic panels be installed on the ceiling and walls of Fellowship Hall. We are soliciting comments from the congregation at two public … read more.

September Events

Music at the Ridge presents Jim Scott in Concert
– Sunday, Sept. 10, 4pm

Jim Scott is a composer, guitarist and singer whom Pete Seeger called “some kind of magician”. He creates and performs music for a just, peaceful and sustainable world. Jim was part … read more.

August Spiritual Challenge

This month’s spiritual challenge is on the theme of FUN.

Rev. Tony’s Spiritual Challenge

There’s more than one way to have fun. Just as people have different senses of humor, people have also different style of play. What’s fun to you, may be boring or even … read more.

Our New Minister

We welcome Reverend Tony Lorenzen as UU Danbury’s new minister!

Rev. Tony’s time with us begins August 1, and his first scheduled Sunday in the pulpit will be August 20.
Rev. Tony lives in Woodbury, where his wife (Tuesday Rupp) is the rector at St. Paul’s Episocopal … read more.

UUCD Instagram

The UUCD Instagram Up and Running

If you use the Instagram app on your smartphone or device, give the new uudanbury page a follow! Before or after running a program or event, photos and text can be sent to Heather Smith for sharing on Instagram. Ask … read more.

Ministry/Team News

From Buildings and Grounds

A Great Big Thanks from B&G

On Saturday, May 13th, we had a great and energetic crew come out to assist with care of the grounds and plantings. Many thanks to Barb Myers for organizing and communicating about the clean-up day. In addition, … read more.