Category: 3. News

Religious Education May/June

Important Announcement About Sunday Services and Religious Education 

Beginning Sunday, May 1st and going through at least part of June, we will be experimenting with integrating Religious Education for children into Sunday services instead of having children go to separate programs during the services. … read more.

Book Conversation Group

On Thursday, April 21st , the Book Conversation Group will be discussing “Mine!” by Michael Helter and James Salzman. It explores the topic of ownership and how the hidden rules of ownership control our lives. For example, why is plagiarism wrong, but it’s OK to … read more.

Religious Education

 by Sierra-Marie Gerfao, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth 
Upcoming In Children and Youth Religious Education (RE): As of April 3rd , masks are optional for those participating in our children and youth programs. 

April 3: K-8th Regular Religious Education programming; Ropes Course for High … read more.

8th Principle Action Group

The 8th Principle Action Group meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Join us online March 1 as we look for ways to “accountably dismantle racism and other oppressions in ourselves and our institutions” so we can build a diverse, multicultural … read more.

Choir Rehearsals resume!

From Our Music Director, Jerry Phelps
Exciting news for all the singers out there! Choir rehearsals resume on March 6 from 11:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. Come make music with us and help prepare for the upcoming music service. If you are interested in joining us, … read more.

March Services

March Services – One Service at 10:00 AM at UUCD
and via Zoom email for Zoom link

Sunday, March 6 
Don’t Forget the Soil! Rev. Dr. Kathleen A. Rudoff 

Imagine a magical garden on the UUCD campus where flowers bloom year-round … read more.

From the Social Action Council

Soup Kitchen Corner by Judy Lacker

On Saturday, February 5th, members of Soup Kitchen Team #4 will be returning to the Dorothy Day Soup Kitchen on Spring Street to help serve take-out meals that were cooked in volunteers’ homes as well as bagged sandwiches for lunches … read more.

Mystery Buddies is Back!

Last year we offered a postcard exchange between kids and young adults in pairs who got to know each other over a four-week period of exchanging notes without knowing one another’s identities. After our final postcard exchange, we held a celebratory event in which … read more.

Upcoming In Children and Youth Religious Education (RE):

We look forward to returning to in-person services and simultaneous indoor Religious Education. We anticipate this return to take place sometime this month. The following is based on a return mid-month and is subject to change.

February 6: Family Dinner on ZoomFebruary 13: “Share the Love” … read more.