Category: 4. Religious Education

Upcoming in Religious Education

Children are always welcome in Sunday services. Alternatively, for children who would prefer, we have nursery care as well as a child-led, play-based Religious Education program available during services. Additionally, Our Whole Lives (OWL) Sexuality Education for 7th-8th graders and 10th-11th graders is currently running. … read more.

Upcoming in Religious Education

Children are always welcome in Sunday services. Alternatively, for children who would prefer, we have nursery care as well as a child-led, play-based Religious Education program available during services. Additionally, we have kicked off Our Whole Lives Sexuality Education for 7th-8th graders and 10th-11th graders. … read more.

Upcoming in Religious Education

The following calendar for the month of January is subject to change. If your household includes children or teens and you would like to receive regular updates about programs, please get in touch with our Director of Religious Education by emailing … read more.

Upcoming in Religious Education – Dec. 2022

The nursery is open for children ages 0-5 every Sunday during service. Our nursery care providers are eager to welcome your children! For children up through 8th grade we have a Forest School-inspired, child-led program in which we explore spiritual themes through play. The middle … read more.

Upcoming in Religious Education Nov. 2022

The nursery is open for children ages 0-5 every Sunday during service. Our nursery care providers are eager to welcome your children! We also offer regular programming open to children in preschool through high school. 

Sunday, November 6 – Regular Sunday morning programs 

Sunday, November … read more.