Category: 1. This Month’s Events

May Sunday Services

May Services – One Service at 10am

May 5                               
Love Across Enduring Lines of Difference                          
Katie Grosh

How do we handle encounters with fundamental differences? Katie Grosh (MDiv ’22, Yale Divinity School) will share from her experiences working in interfaith chaplaincy, environmental sciences, and with the … read more.

May Events

Chair Exercises at UUCD

Gentle Stretching using a chair – Breathing exercises – Laughter

            Chair Exercises Classes are starting again at UUCD for women and men.  Classes are FREE. The importance for seniors to maintain flexibility and mobility cannot be overstated. So … read more.

April Spiritual Challenge

SPIRITUAL CHALLENGE – The Anam Cara, You, and Your Friends

Our theme for the month is Interdependence and my challenge to you focuses on one of the most interdependent of human relationships – Friendship.  Not only do we love our friends, but we also depend on … read more.

April Sunday Services

April Services – One Service at 10 am

Sunday, April 7                                                
Sustain the Flame                                    Rev. Tony Lorenzen

Rev. Tony is joined by members of the congregation for Stewardship Sunday. Rev. Tony will wrap up their reflections by pondering what it means to put our religious identity … read more.

From our DRE, Rev. Sierra-Marie Gerfao

Upcoming In Children and Youth Religious Education (RE):

Nursery care for children ages 0-3 is available during services on Sunday mornings, or caregivers are of course welcome to keep their children with them during services. 

Children over the age of three are invited to attend the … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

A Report from the President – Margaret Henderson

The Board – your Board – is going strong! Energy and participation in all corners are up since the pandemic — or since the lockdown I should say, since Covid is still circulating and there are … read more.

April Events

Group for Caregivers of LGBTQIA+ Young People

Parents of LGBTQIA+ young people, please join us in gathering on the first Friday of every month from 7:30-9PM for mutual support and celebration of our kids. Our February meeting will take place on February 2nd.  Please RSVP to … read more.

Spiritual Challenge – Interdependence

A Declaration of Interdependence”

Dear Beloveds,

No less than a dozen Declarations of Interdependence have been proclaimed, in one way, shape or form, since 1936.  These declarations have been made in an ecological context but have also dealt with racial and religious tolerance as well as interdependence … read more.

March Sunday Services

Sunday, March 3rd                                              A Saving Doubt                                                Rev. Paul Dodenhoff

The freedom to doubt, to question, to be content to live in Mystery is central to the liberal religious tradition. Like the process of evolution itself, the path that we follow, our practice if you will, is not … read more.