Category: 3. News

Music at the Ridge Jan. 8, 2023

Tickets are now on sale at, or through Join us!!

Sally Rogers and Howie Bursen

Since their 1981 Greenwich Village coffeehouse encounter this duo has built a folk reputation throughout the U.S.A. and Canada, even appearing on Garrison Keillor’s A Prairie Home … read more.

Community Action – Nov. 2022

Community Spotlight: Interfaith AIDS Ministry of Greater Danbury

In 1989, a coalition of faith communities in the Greater Danbury area responded to the critical needs of individuals and families infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS virus by forming the Interfaith AIDS Ministry (IAM) of Greater … read more.

Upcoming Events

Organizing a Thanksgiving Dinner 

Some of us have been talking about creating a Thanksgiving dinner together in Fellowship Hall where each of us brings a dish to share, and we break bread and celebrate together– kind of on the model of the Passover Seders we had … read more.

From the Board of Trustees 

by Margaret Henderson, President 

It was such a joy to watch people gather together in September at events like Homecoming Sunday, our first choir practice this year, and the Wednesday night community pasta dinner! Among all this activity, your Board of Trustees has also been busy. 

First … read more.

October Services

One Service at 10:00 AMat UUCD
and via Zoom email for Zoom link

Sunday, October 2      Blessing of the Animals     Rev. Kathleen Rudoff and Sierra-Marie Gerfao 

This multigenerational service is about gratitude for all the earth’s creatures that connect with us in the interdependent web of life. Pets that … read more.

UUCD’s 200th Anniversary Events

Special events and activities commemorating our congregation’s 200th anniversary are planned this fall leading up to our anniversary date which is actually December 9. On that date in 1822 a Universalist society was formed on Great Plain in Danbury, Connecticut. The present-day Unitarian Universalist Congregation of … read more.

Ministry / Team News

Adult Programming: Spiritually Speaking
by Joe Gillotti 
Join us for a weekly study session reviewing Eckhart Tolle’s enlightening and riveting book, “A New Earth”. The author offers readers intense and compelling suggestions through practical learning to live in the Present Moment. Participants can learn to redirect their … read more.

Upcoming Events

UUCD Men Conversing over Coffee meets on the second Wednesday of each month. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, September 14th at 9:30 a.m. at UUCD in the Fellowship Hall Lower Level.  For more information contact Gary or Joe.

Chair Yoga Classes are Continuing … read more.

July/August News

Special Recognition and Congratulations! 

It’s not often that a minister is privileged to have a retired minister as a member of the congregation. And when that retired minister is honored by the denomination for 50 years of professional ministry, and receives an award for their incredible … read more.