Category: 3. News

General Assembly registration is now open!

This year the Unitarian Universalists’ annual conference, known as GA (General Assembly), will be held in Pittsburgh June 21-25. 

So why think about it now, in February? Two reasons: Pittsburgh is close enough that we might rent a van and drive together; and, registration fees go … read more.

Coming in March

“Mistakes and Miracles,” the Unitarian Universalist Common Read

The discussions of “Mistakes and Miracles,” the Unitarian Universalist Common Read for 2023, will occur in March. The start has been delayed until after the recent restocking of the book at the UUA bookstore (also available through … read more.

Upcoming Events

Workshop on Feb 25: “So You’re Working on the 8th Principle…” 

Congregations throughout the Central East Region of the UUA are at different stages of work on the 8th Principle (see text below*). Sign up for this year’s “New Day Rising” event to learn from neighboring … read more.

200 Years and More – Our History

In 2022, UUCD Member, Doug Parkhurst wrote a series of articles, Notes on 200 Years (and More), in our monthly newsletters. To read – or print – a compilation of all these articles, commemorating our 200th anniversary please click here. If you have … read more.

From our Minister

No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again. ~ Buddha 

We say goodbye to another year of challenge and celebration! 2022 reminded us that Covid still lurks around corners and we are still in a liminal time of waiting for a feeling … read more.

Buildings and Grounds : Update

by Gary Mummert

There are some changes with our management of refuse and recycling. Now that a new trash area has been erected, all refuse and recycling goes into large carts behind the 6 foot stockade fencing and must be bagged. Throwing loose trash or loose … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

by Margaret Henderson, President

As I write this in mid-December, the Board has been busy! But first I need to share with you the news that unfortunately Gina Cassetta has made the difficult decision to resign from the Board due to time constraints. We will miss … read more.

Upcoming Events

UUCD’s “Death Buffet” … A New Adult Course Offering 

“How we want to die represents the most important and costly conversation America isn’t having.”

For adventurous souls who are DYING to talk about death. This promises to be a unique, unforgettable course. Truly, our gathering will be … read more.

From the Board of Trustees

by Gina Cassetta

In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, I want to extend the Board’s appreciation for Gary and the other volunteers I have witnessed helping as well. You may have noticed some improvements in the buildings and grounds authorized by the Board… Gary and his assistant … read more.